Friday, May 2, 2008

When it rains...

it pours sometimes. Wow, I have had some challanges lately. First off my leadership was questioned by someone who I always thought would always be there right behind me. Imagine my surprise when I find that they were not as solid as I thought they were. Secondly, my mom is diagnosed with cancer, treatable but cancer none the less. And then thirdly, my company is struggling and I just found out that one of my longterm customers fired us. At least he had the decency to let me know that he was not happy with the company (at least he was OK with me personally) but that we needed to shore things up to continue to do business with them.

It is very much like a storm, wind, rain, hail, all beat against the structure and sometimes inflict damage. But most times it just messes things up enough to get our attention. I think GOD does that sometimes with us. He allows situtations in our lives that "get our attention" and get our focus back on him.

I had to refocuse my leadership, am I am man pleaser or a GOD pleaser?Am I going to follow GOD or my own rational thoughts? I am glad to say that that someone has since come to an understanding and is once again backing me up and for that I am thankful, but those doubts still remain. My mom, well she is being well taken care of by a doctor who is doing tons of test to make sure that they do the right thing, so much better than the other doctor who was lets cut things up and ask questions later. I know it is making me think of the more important things in life, as it is my mom as well. And the company, well, who is my source? Is it my job or is it GOD? If it is my job, then I should be in a world of hurt as that customer accounted for a large portion of my $$ last year and the year before. But if it is GOD, then I know that he will supply all my needs (not all my wants as some will preach it!) but all my needs. He knows what I need and he knows what is best for me and the way that he will have me go, so for now I am leaning on his arms and trusting in his ways in all things...


Trudy said... made me cry. I love it when you're transparent...

sassy chic said...

Wow you were really transparent today! I know exactly what you are talking about and just so you know I back you 100% and am praying for you daily!