Friday, May 30, 2008

There was an article written on MSN about unknown indiginous tribes in the Amazon. There was also a picture taken from a plane or helicopter that showed some indiginous Amazon tribes aiming bows and arrows at said plane or copter. It really makes you understand just how big a world we live in. Can you imagine that in your backyard there is a group of people who have never seen a bic lighter, a ballpoint pen, or a screwdriver let alone a screw? Can you imagine a people who have never ate at McDonalds, hunt each day as they don't have a refridgerator?

At first glance we might think, man I am so lucky to live in the US, to have access to a computer, eat fast food and live in peace. Well I seriously had to rethink that when I saw that picture. To be cut off from the society that we live in and thrown back into a more "simple" culture, where cars, houses and bank accounts are not more important than family and friends. Where each person of the tribe has a specific duty to the tribe and they fulfill their duties with great devotion and attention. Where each member of the tribe is reliant on every other member for the wellness of the group. Where corruption of mind and soul is so afar off it is laughable. Sometimes I think that is what GOD is looking for in a people. Those who don't care for the things of this world but are more concerned with him, and his people.


Pastor John said...

Cool picture I want a hat like that.

Unknown said...

please leave these people alone...

Pat Hankins said...

I agree Pamela.
I think that these people although simple are more like what GOD would want us to be.
I just can't imagine though living in a world where the comforts we are blessed with did not exist. Actually as I think about it, maybe some of the comforts that we see as blessings are actually curses if we really looked at them.
Be Blessed!