Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekend Warriors...

Wow, this weekend went fast, I guess that happens when you have school all day on Saturday (well just 5 hours but it is a 1.5 hour drive to get there) and then Church on Sunday. It seems like it flew by. I wonder if that is how eternity will be? We will look up and 100o years has past. We got to talking a little about eternity in our class when one of our classmates started talking about the finer things in life. Nice houses, nice cars, nice vacations, well all of those things are for just a moment in time. Solomon said our lives are as a vapor, wow, now that is fast! Think about those cold winter days when you are outside and let out a deep breath. Remember how you could see your breath for a moment and then it was gone? But in comparison to eternity that is how our lives really are. So the question I pose this Monday morning, is with life so short, why are you sitting there reading about my weekend and not out living yours? He he he he... go do something today!!

Pastor Pat

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