In the movie "Clockstoppers" a young man whose father is a mathmatical genius ends up with a watch that can allow him to speed up so fast that it seems time is standing still. Well the premise is that time is standing still, but in reality he has sped up so fast that it seems as if time has stopped. Sometimes I feel that I am in the exact opposite space time continuem. It seems that when I look up, that hours instead of minutes has flown by except those times when I am wanting the clock to speed up, like between the hours of 4 and 5 PM on Monday through Friday, like when you have to go to the dentist or get a physical when you reach that magical age of 40 and the doctor tells you, "you might feel a little discomfort" as he snaps the rubber glove on...
. In those times, time does not defininately fly...
Sometimes we get so busy in life that we don't have time for the important things in life. Like spending time with friends and family, doing our outlet hobbies, going fishing or hunting or spending time with the creator of the universe. Can you imagine GOD'S disappointment when he is waiting for his time with us and we decide we have something more important to do?
So take some time and spend it with the only one who can control time and space, you never know, you might find that your time is managed better all day long...
Pastor Pat
1 comment: seems to fly by so quickly. Thanks for reminding us to just slow down and smell the roses!
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