Monday, July 14, 2008


Have you ever really thought what being "revived" means. Well I looked it up and most times it deals with something that had been dead!! Now how many of us would admit that we are dead? I mean, really admit we are dead? No way would we admit that we are dead, not in a million years. Can you imagine how that conversation would go?
man #1: So how are you doing?
man #2: Dude, I'm dead.
man #1: Yeah man I know what you mean.
man #2: No really I am dead.
man #1: Oh yeah, you mean really tired.
man#2: No, dead, D E A D dead.
man #1: But dude, you are still moving.
man #2: Yeah, still moving but still dead, my body has just not quit moving yet.
man #1: So what it going to happen with you?
man #2: I don't know, I guess I will just stop moving and cease to exist.
man #1: wow, what will we do with you then.
man#2: I don't know, I will be useless and won't be able to do anything. I guess they will just set me to the side and have someone else do my stuff.
man #1: well, we are going to miss you...
man #2: well thanks. I will miss you too.

Sound familiar? I seem to hear that conversation with people all the time. They may still be moving, but inside they are dead. So what do they need? They need to be REVIVED. Shocked back into existance, charge up the paddles and yell CLEAR! and zap them back to life. But many times people come to revival and don't get revived. Why? Because they don't go to the ER of GOD'S world and let GOD bring them back to life. If we are not willing to go to the Hospital or the Doctor, how can we expect to get better? So the next time you are dead, go get revived and let GOD zap you back to life!

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