Monday, July 21, 2008

J U M P !!!

We went to the lake this weekend and found this old bluff down by Honey Creek. From the water's surface it looks to be about 15' from the top of the bluff to the water. But once you get on top and look down at the water it seems almost twice as high. So this weekend our young adults decided to jump off the bluff and the not so young adult decided to do it as well.
Now we had checked it out for submerged obstacles first to be safe and once all was deemed good it came to jump. Now I had jumped off of this same bluff over 20 years ago as a younger man with some friends so I went head first without hesitation. But we had some others who were a little more reluctant to jump.
What we found out is that once they did it their fear was quite a bit relieved and then they started to have fun doing it.
Life is that way, when we are standing on the edge looking at something new, looking at life from a different aspect, it is a bit scary. But once we commit and by faith take that plunge it is exhilerating and fun.
So next time you are faced with a scary proposition, think about it, weight the risk and then Jump!!

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