Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Integrity - Doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

All that we are is based on our integrity. If we don't have integrity we don't have anything.

But that definition, doing the right thing even when no one is watching is the key. You see there are people who in the public eye look like people of integrity, but behind closed doors you find out who they really are.

I was kind of tickled this week as the news ran reports about Jesse Jackson leaning over to tell someone on a TV set a comment about Barak Obama. Pretty much what was said was that Jesse doesn't like it when Barak talks down to black people, and it makes Jesse want to cut a significant part of Barak's body off. Wow, in case you did not know, Mr. Jackson puts REV. in front of his name.

What really concerned me was that I was not shocked, appalled, or even outraged, for you see, I never labeled Mr. Jackson a man of integrity even though he has a designation in front of his name that would lead you to believe he is. Numerous times situations have come up where his integrity was questioned and the answers were not always positive. I will let you web search those things, but onto my point.

If we are to be people of integrity, we need to do the right thing when no one is watching and say the right things even when we think the microphone is in the off position...

Be Blessed.

1 comment:

Pastor John said...

I have experienced a few times in my life where my word was the only credit to my side of the story and this is where the benefit of integrity really comes into play.