Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Do as I say, not as I do. How many times have I heard that? Isn't that just the stupidist thing you have ever heard.
We had a great class this evening on money management. And to apply what we learned is a wise thing, but we have to make the choice TO APPLY what we learned. That is the biggest problem we face today is making the RIGHT choice in life.
Face it, we are people who constantly will make the wrong choices when given the chance. We try to talk a good game, but when the decision is placed in front of us, we often do not make the wise choice.
I for one am going to make an effort to make wise choices. I was looking at some of the choices that I have made in life and some of them were not very good. It seemed I was looking not far enough ahead and was living in the moment. Well now I am going to look at things from an eternal perspective. So make wise choices that will impact eternity and I am sure you will do fine.

1 comment:

Pastor John said...

Me too. I am going to do better at Self Control and sticking to the goals Chritina and I make.