Tuesday, November 18, 2008

When Tolerance is not accepted...

America is screaming for Tolerance today. You tolerate my views and I will tolerate your views, Right. Many claim that Christians are not tolerate of people today. Well I just saw a video that put that shoe on the other foot. We are all guaranteed the freedom of speech, and this poor woman comes to a Prop 8 rally and presents her side which she is free to do. Now I would like to ask this question, after viewing the video what would have happened if these people's views were reversed. Christians all over the US would have been cast in a negative light, it would have led the national news and been on the lips of every anchorman and woman on TV that the mean old bigoted Christians had abused and threatened a person who was just voicing their opinion on some legislation. But because it swung the other way no one has heard of it. I found out by another blogger and was shocked and shamed by the actions of the people around her. I would have been shocked and shamed had the people around her been against same sex marraige and were all wearing Christian T shirts and I am shocked and ashamed by those who aligned with Prop 8 and how they acted. Tolerance goes both ways, but that is not what is being exhibited here, Intolerance is being exhibited. I wonder if it will get around that all same sex marriage proponents are bigoted intolerant people?

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