Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Maturity is something that we all should do, but it is something that we all do not do at the same amount, or during the same time frame.
I have been exposed to a lot of immature people in my life. Talking about bathroom tendencies, explosive bodily functions and vomit tend to make a person seem immature. But I have seen some mature young people and some really immature older people. Although older people have grown accustomed to discussing bathroom tendencies, explosive bodily functions and vomit in their old age the stories just aren't as funny as those who have not experienced all these instances for almost 40 years of life. I mean there was this one time in San Antonio where I had these burritos... I digress; excuse me. And for the people in the hotel room next to me that night I ask your forgiveness as well. I hope you eyes have healed up since that horrific experience.
Anyway, people mature at different rates, it is not a one size fits all. Now I realize that life experiences help with maturation but what I have a hard time with is those who should be mature and are not. Even in the Christian realm we have immature Christians. You know, those that seem to always be in and then out, and then in and then out. Up and down, like a pogo stick, that reminds me one time my brother was bouncing on this pogo stick and he had like this stomach virus and on one of the down bounces when he hit the ground some of him kept going... I Digress, excuse me and for his third grade teacher, well I am sorry for you as well. Anyway we have Christians who have not matured in the church. It is not a new thing, the Apostle Paul pretty much told some early church members to get off the bottle, called them babies and such. He was such a rebel rouser. Anyway people who mature gain a nature that does not allow the small things to overcome their lives. The chart I copied is a business model but works well in this instance as well.
Stage 1 - Firefighting - in our Christian walk this is where you have to make a life and death choice everyday. Do I do what I know is wrong and sin or do I live a godly life? Know anyone that has been there for a while?
Stage 2 - Stabalising - in our Christian walk this is beyond the firefighting but we are still setting boundaries for our life and getting on the even keel of life. I know many who never got through the stabalising part. They are like a teeter totter, one day or week are on top of it and the next they fell off and don't know what happened.
Stage 3 - Preventing - these are the people who see a trap and AVOID it. To many people I know see the trap and then keeping walking right into it. It is like those survivor man shows, remember the guy that keeps going up to wild bears and petting them will one day find a hungry bear. What is that old cliche? An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of something or another...
Stage 4 - Optimising - What you say is this. Well this is where you have finally arrived where you can walk the narrow path, without twisting an ankle every day, being eaten by a bear or falling into a trap. This is where you really start to do something that matters. You find your gift and you begin to make a difference. Sadly there are too many people who never get to this stage. That is why you see so few making a difference in this world.
Stage 5 - Excellence - Man, I want to be here but I am still in the Optimising part. I am still learning what I am really good at and letting go of what I am so so at. The problem is that I want to be really good at the so so stuff and the stuff I am really good at is not as fun as the so so stuff. Oh well, I still have some maturity to go. By the way, you ever heard the one about the lady who had a gas attack in the middle of church? Well, you had to be there...

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