Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Paul the Apostle

I am intrigued by this man... The Apostle Paul... what a hero of the faith. Did you realize that Paul was not one of the 12 who followed CHRIST all around Judea? Did you realize that he was called after the death of JESUS? Did you realize that after his Damascus incident, and being prayed for by a follower of CHRIST and received his sight back, he went? Where?

To the Synagoge to preach? Nope. On TV to be a televangelist? Nope. To Rome to confront the Emporer? Nope.

Paul went to the desert of Arabia. whaaaa? Arabia? Desert? Uhmmm I do not understand. Me either.

I mean the guy has a face to face encounter with the risen lord JESUS, gets knocked off his horse, get commisioned by the Lord to preach to the Gentiles, is stone blind, get his sight restored and goes out into the desert for THREE STINKING YEARS?
Wanna know why? He wanted to get a personal revelation of who CHRIST is. Is that not too cool? He did not go to one of the apostles who followed JESUS all around. He did not go to Peter, or James the brother of JESUS to get their opinion of who JESUS was. Paul went out to the desert by himself to find out who exactly JESUS was.
Made me think of my own faith, do I know who JESUS is or do I go on someone else's knowledge? Have I found out for myself or have I been lazy and just gone with what I have heard from someone? I think we all need to spend a little time in the desert to really figure out who JESUS is, who knows, he might just use us after that to reach a nation and eventually the world...

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