Saturday, November 15, 2008

Feelin' Blue?

How many times have you ever just felt Blue? You know, just yuck... well sometimes the world around us makes us feel blue, sometimes those closest to us make us feel blue. But I want to tell you that you are only as blue as you allow yourself to feel. I was reading this week about a Billionaire, yes that is with a B, who when he first started out went broke not just once, but around three times. He bought this business did great and then everything went wrong and he lost it all. Then he went and started another business and because he did not have enough capital it too folded. Then he went and started buying other peoples bad loans, yep people just like him who had borrowed money they could not repay and had failed in their endeavor. He bought up their bad debts, helped them work through them and made a truck load of money in the process. So if you are feeling blue, well get up and get going, don't let the situations of one day affect all the rest of the days of your life.

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