Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What's my motivation?...


I love this commercial... street ballers getting down with a Sprite when all of the sudden Mr. Playground breaks into his proper English and says, "I played Hamlet at Cambridge, What's my motivation?"
Just goes to show you what you think you are seeing may not really be what it is. Many people are motivated by different things. Some are motivated by $$$, other by fame. Some are motivated by fear and others by the feeling sucess brings with it.
I was thinking about motivation the other day and how some people have it and others don't seem to have it.
I think that we are all equipped with a certain amount of motivation, but that only a small percentage tap into it. Many lack self motivation, others must be threatened to get motivated. But through it all what I have found is that we are all motivated from within. You just have to find that thing that eclipses everything else in your life, devote yourself to it and you will find all the motivation that you need.
Be Blessed.

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