Monday, June 30, 2008

Wow... strong winds...

Well our annual fireworks stand is up and going and Saturday we had a doozy of a storm. I had just checked the weather to see what to wear for the day, and saw a huge storm cell heading our way. So I called my wife who was manning the tent and told her to batten down the hatches. So like, ten minutes later her distraught voice was calling me telling me the tent was blowing down and to get up there ASAP!! So when I arrived, both sides of the tent were flapping in the breeze, only the center poles were standing. When I got inside I found my wife and my associate pastor's wife holding the poles. They looked like two sailors in the midst of a storm who had lashed themselves to the mast to keep from getting blown overboard. We had tent stakes pulled up out of the ground, ropes that snapped and water everywhere. As the sideways rain came down, we finally were able to stabilize the tent and get everything locked down again. But we lost about half of our inventory to water damage and were soaked to the bone.

It taught me a lesson though, if you take the proper precautions to prepare anything to stand the tests and the storms of time, it will stand. But, if you build it shoddily, without thought and take shortcuts, it will all fall during the storm. Our tent was not put up very well, the poles were cracked and the ropes were rotted which translated into a tent that almost fell down during the storm. So if you are building anything, wether it be a career, a ministry, or a home, make sure you take the proper precautions and build it to withstand the storms of life.

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