Monday, June 16, 2008


Boy talk about extremes. We have nice hot days, and then wet rainy days where it looks like someone needs to start building an Ark!! With all the flooding in the midwest it is going to be an interesting summer. Which got me to thinking the other day. I was crossing a river and noticed these tree trunks and stuff floating down the river. All was good till I saw that farther down the river is a train tressle bridge with a good amount of debris pushed up against it. And of course I had a spiritual moment of interpretation. When we have debris flowing through our life, through the purification time there is a bunch. It is all good as it cleans and takes all the junk downstream and out of our spiritual house. But if we have some blockages in our spiritual house, all that junk can clog the move of GOD in our life and create a dam that blocks off the flow.
I know in my life sometimes my job can get in the way of the flow of GOD in my life. I start worrying about next week and next month and pretty soon I have a blockage and the river is not flowing like it should.
So get out there and tear down those blockages before the river of GOD tears them down for you.

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