Friday, January 9, 2009


Recession. You know how everyone has been talking about a recession. Well I have not seen it. Everyone is talking about how people are saving money? Really, it seems to me that everyone spends what they bring home every week. Everyone is talking about how the housing market is bad and you can't sell a house and if you do have to sell you will sell at a loss. Well I know someone who bought a house four years ago, and it sold for 15% more than the purchase price back then. Everyone is talking about how the unemployment is out of control and I can show you just about every fast food joint and contractor are trying to hire people.

Now I know that we live in an area that see very little ups and downs, not like the two coast. But I also know that some people around here have common sense.
Like they live week to week, paycheck to paycheck but some do put a little money aside every so often just in case. They hav all bought houses but most have bought within their means, not buying a house three times too big for them with a mortgage to match. And most in this area are willing to go to work if the need arises. McDonalds is not below us if we have a mortgage payment to make. Digging ditches is fine if we can feed our families.
I guess what I am saying is that recession is like that bald spot growing on my head. It is there, it is not pleasent, but it doesn't really affect me to much other than I wear a hat a lot more now...
we do what we have to do.

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