Thursday, January 15, 2009


Not that kind of fighing. Not like Rocky and Appollo Creed.

Fighting with your words...

Take a look at the picture. How many of us would want to hurt any human being like the one getting hit? I mean if I am in the ring, well, I will swing for the fences, but in just a spat or an argument sometimes our words hit as hard as that right cross.

The damage done is sometimes irreparable and can cause serious injuries to a person's trust, loyalty and commitment. We are studying in our small groups on how to fight fair. So I thought I would drop a few rules; kind of like the referee at the beginning of a boxing match.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Referee: OK guys and gals, I want a goood clean fight.

No rabbit punches (which means you have to take time to listen and quit swinging all the time. Listen to the other side, evaluate what they have to say and then form your opinion. Don't just swing, swing, swing).

No hitting the back of the head (which means when the fight is over, don't throw that last cheap shot in to get the last word, don't feel like you have to land the last blow to win the fight, especially if it is a cheap shot when the others back is turned).

When I tap your shoulder when you are in a clinch, let go and back up, without throwing punches (which means, if it starts to get physical, take a step back, regain your composure and let some space come between the combatants).

In case of a knockdown, go to your respective corners (which means if one of you falls down, the other should not jump on them with both feet, that is being a bad sport).

And NO LOW BLOWS (ouch! which means you can't dredge up something that happened 20 years ago, or 10 years ago or 5 years ago and throw it in the face of the other fighter, that is definately hitting below the belt and that type of foul is usually done by the person losing the match and in trouble).

Referee: Understand?

Fighter #1 - (nods)

Fighter #2 - {grunts}

Referee : OK! LETS GET IT ON!!!



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