Sunday, June 13, 2010

Whew, who knew?

When I think of hard things to do, work out wise, I think of iron man type things. Like bench pressing a truck, doing deep squats with 500 pounds, running five miles. Of course that is because I am a couch potato. Sometimes I don't even get up off the couch to run to the fridge because it is too far. Anyway I digress.
This weekend we had somewhat of an adventure including riding ATVs over hazardous terrain, rope swings and canoeing. Who would have thought those activities would put my body on life support today.
First my fingers don't work properly. I am pretty sure it was the rope swing as I went to grab a spoon this morning and my finger joints almost locked up. It was a pretty easy thing, just climb this tree (that was the hard part) and grab this rope above a knot and swing out holding onto the rope and then drop in the water. Well when gravity takes over, well watch out, first swing the adrenaline was pumping, I was sure I would end up in a coma or at the bottom of the lake so I hung on with dear life, some on the bank began to point and yell like those people on the Godzilla movies. "HE'S COMING BACK!!!" The second time the fingers just did not have the adrenaline to hold on, so the rope whip up between my legs, (yes painful) and burned through my fingers as I plumetted off the platform into the water, not near as graceful or as far out as the first time.
Secondly, I went to close the sliding door of the van and the muscles behind my arms and my shoulders cried out in such agony I actually looked behind me to see where the sound was coming from. From there I gathered that the canoe trip we took on the river had itself taken a toll on my upper body. My shoulders and back seem to want to stay in the hunched over position, although swing the paddle back and forth they are not so cool with. It was not like we took a forty mile trip, we were gone less than two hours, and did not travel that far. Actually I think my wife paddled more than I did. Something about splashing her while I paddled made her tell me to stop paddling.
Thirdly, I leaned to the left to pick up a book that had fallen and found that the muscles on the sise of my body and the back of my thighs have recently engaged in some activity that made their presence known. I think it was the ATVing, we were riding some pretty rugged areas so your were always leaning this way and that ducking tree limbs or just trying to keep your seat in the saddle. Apparently my thighs were gripping that gas tank like Suzzanne Summers and the thighmaster. Well at least I did not fall off of course the dents in the tanks made by my knees was a little embarassing.
So here I lay on the couch in utter agony from a little weekend adventure, I wonder if my wife would get me something from the kitchen...

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