Wednesday, June 2, 2010


My associate pastor and his wife are expecting their first child any moment now. It has been a pretty good pregnancy for both of them. She has been very active throughout the pregnancy (she was helping dig out post holes two days ago) and really has seemed to be in good shape throughout the entire nine months, fourty weeks or 280 days. So why is it since she is at the hospital that we expect that little baby to just pop out in no time flat. It seems like the last couple of days no one wants to wait for the birth. It was funny on friday that people were throwing around having a C section so it would be over. We get in such a hurry to see the completion we miss out on the glorious thing it is seeing something come to be.
We are kind of like that in life, moving from one thing to another as quick as we can and never really getting to enjoy the little miracles that happen all around us. Working so hard to get a project complete but never really relishing the finish line because we are onto the next project that needs our attention.
I know that when that baby finally makes her appearance, there will be time well spent cherishing and enjoying the moment of the miracle. And it won't just be Mom and Dad who are going to share in that accomplishment, there will be great granparents, and grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends who will all join in the celebration.
Here's to wishing that all of our accomplishments could be celebrated the same way as we wait for those things to come to completion.

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