Wednesday, June 9, 2010

10% inspiration, 90% persperation...

I think we sometimes get those things backwards. We think to really accomplish something it takes 90% inspiration and 10% persperation. Reality shows us that the inspiration part is sometimes the easiest, the real work is in what comes after the inspiration.
I see people fall into that pit everyday, who am I fooling, I fall into that pit daily too. Each and every day I have great ideas. Songs to write. Books to pen. Bathrooms to remodel (hey I am getting really close on that one, of course it was about 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration). And even though we know the 10/90 rule we always seem to get it backwards.
Mark Batterson always says, "plan as if it depends on GOD, but work as if it depends on you". That will preach in most churches I have been in.
So how do we go from the 10% of inspired thinking to the 90% of the grunt work? We just have to do it.
As a young man I worked on my grandfather's farm during the summers and almost every weekend till we moved away. At grandpa's farm, there is always work to be done. I remember one day we had an especially nasty job to do. We had some cattle who needed to be cared for. This amounted to injecting antibiotics into them, making the little bulls into steers, and de-horning those that had horns. Now the first two are no big deal, but that dehorning, that was a NASTY job. There was no way to not get bloodied, bruised and banged around when you are de-horning cattle. So I asked my grandfather, do you think we could just not de-horn the cattle. And he explained that we had to de-horn them so they wouldn't hurt each other. I asked him if there was another way we could do it where I would not get all bloody and nasty. He scratched his chin and thought for a moment and said, "well I guess we could just leave the sheers (big sharp clamps that you clip the horns off with) and the paste (a mixture of antibiotics and medicine to get the blood to coagulate) out in the field and see if the cows will cut their own horns off." I remember looking at him and thinking he really had lost his marbles. I blurted out, "grandpa, those cows can't cut their own horns off" and he replied, "well I guess that means we have to do it."
Sometimes in life we just have to do it. It won't get done unless we do it. It won't happen on its own, it won't just magically appear or even go away no matter how hard we want it to. Sometimes we just have to buckle down and prepare to PERSPIRE.

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