Monday, November 23, 2009

#5 Thankful thing

Number 5: I am thankful for the microwave oven. I mean imagine what life would be without a "nuclear baking machine"? Forget what it is doing to our bodies as we stand in front of it as it pours out its nuclear radiation to heat or reheat the hazardous waste we call food. Forget about the horror stories of things being blown up inside of them and the steam burns. I love the microwave! I can boil water in 90 seconds, I can heat up leftover Thanksgiving turkey in a minute, I can even get one of those special pizzas with the metal sleeve and have Pepparoni for lunch in three minutes. Too tired to cook? Throw one of those frozen burritos in the oven, nuke it for 60 seconds and Viola! you are ready to eat. Just be careful not to burn the roof of your mouth!

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