Wednesday, November 25, 2009

#2 Thankful Thing

Number TWO!! We are almost there. What am I thankful for? Well speaking of number two, I am thankful for toilets. Have you ever thought what a marvelous engineering marvel the common toilet is? Able to accomodate both the male and female species equally, it is a wonder. A self contained water storage unit on the back that fills itself automatically. A porcelain bowl that requires little assistance to stay clean, throw in one of those little tablet thingy and you are good. A self trapping water space at the bottom that keeps the nasty odors out and a flusher that runs the water down into the bowl to get rid of the bad stuff, clockwise in N. America and counter clockwise in South America. I have never used a toilet in S. America so I can not confirm this. The toilet, without it our homes would be a very messy place.

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