Tuesday, September 22, 2009

B U S Y...

I have been soooooo busy. Seems like every waking moment I have had an appointment to keep, someplace to be or someone to take care of. I think we can let those times draw us away from what we really need to be doing.
I realized this the other day when I asked my kids a question about why they had not gotten something done. Their reply, "I have been so busy." So I asked them what they were busy doing? Well, school (which gets over at 3PM) so I gave them that one. So "what did you do between 3PM and 5:30PM" when I got home I asked them.
"Well, we uhmmm got a snack, and did homework and things" was the reply. So 2.5 hours worth of homework and snack making, really? I asked them.
Well there was a couple of video games in there, and a movie and some Facebook time and some more games on the computer, oh and Fantasy Football (BTW I am dominating my league!!) to do.
We get that way in our lives, where stuff starts to push out the important things. Like spending time in the Word, in fellowship with GOD and others, in having GOD only time.
So when you use the old, "I have been busy excuse" think of the things you have been doing and decide if that is a good excuse.

1 comment:

sassy chic said...

I hate you sometimes, stop your medling (sp?)...okay so maybe hate is a little strong...jk ;-)