Monday, January 11, 2010

GOD knows...

He truly does. Had a great service last night with one of our Youth Pastors preaching from his heart. Sometimes it is hard to put together a message to convey what you feel GOD is trying to tell his people. But when GOD is trying to tell them what he just got through telling you it is so liberating and free. Our Youth Pastors have gone through a time lately, kids, illness, car problems, house problems, you name it they have had it happen to them. But last night he encouraged us to keep our eyes on the Lord, to trust him in everything and don't let the things in this world drag us down. I saw many wiping tears as they had been going through the same things. It is such a rush of pride, excitement and thanksgiving when GOD uses someone you have invested in to do such a wonderful thing for GOD.
GOD knows what we are going through, and he prepares us for the times when we can minister to others. It was such a blessing to see it happen right in front of our eyes. Thank you GOD for allowing those situations to happen all the time in our lives.

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