So I examined my surroundings and remembered I had a book that I was reading, so after a search I found it (how it got on top of the fridge I have no idea, gremlins I am thinking) and finished it off in about a half hour. So I look around, it is 7:30 and I have a pair of kids playing the WI, WEE, Wiee, or however you spell it, another is strumming a guitar till he gets told he did not do his chores so he got bathroom duty so off he disappears to the bathroom. Another is sitting at the table making buttons. I mean like "VOTE FOR ME!" political buttons but they were for the basketball games coming next week. My wife is sitting next to me reading her Kindle. Not sure I like the Kindle, I never know what she is reading!! And here I set with nothing to do. So I remember that I have some sheetrock to finish in the ongoing project that is the master bath, so I go and hang that, and realized that I killed ten minutes. It is too early to go to bed, I am not 70 yet, the weather outside is looking kind of bad but I really have no where to go. So what am I going to do tonight? I was having that kind of evening.
Me: "Houston, Uhhhmmm we have a problem here, over."
Mission Control (MC): "go ahead, we read you, over."
Me: "Yeah, control; well I am sitting here with nothing to do, over."
MC: "what do you mean, nothing to do, explain, over."
Me: "I mean I am sitting here twiddling my thumbs, passing the time, doing absolutely nothing, over"
MC: "Gotcha, we understand, lets see, have you made dinner? Over."
Me: "affirmative, dinner is digesting, over."
MC: "How about that piece of sheetrock, over."
Me: "confirming installation of piece Houston, over."
MC: "have you thought of reading a book, over."
Me: "yep, finished it up Houston, over. Come on guys there has to be something that needs to be done, over."
MC: "We'll get back to you, over. I have my best guys on it, over."
In my minds eye I can see Mission Control saying, "we have a man out there that needs something to do, figure it out!!"
Well after about three hours of doing nothing, I finally got sat down and did some writing on my book. Pretty soon the bed started calling and I called it a night. I am really hoping something comes up tonight, I don't know what I am going to do with myself...