Saturday, October 17, 2009


I have a bathroom I have worked on for about five years. Yeah, five years. Well actually we had this really big bathroom that I divided into a main bath and a master bath. The main bath was completed not long after the construction project started. The master bath went through some times of inactivity to say the least in the last few years. I would get started and then something would come up that would distract me from finishing the project. Now a bathroom is a pretty big project for a do it yourselfer, but I was capable of doing it, just not capable of completing it. So I was looking at it today, and a thought hit me. Progress is still progress even if it is just a little bit.
You see, the completion of the bathroom will not happen in five minutes. I wish it would but it is feasibly impossible. But a bunch of small steps leads toward completion and that amounts to progress.
So today I had a couple of hours free, so I thought I should go and work on the bathroom. But it is only a couple of hours, so I almost just wimped out and forgot it. So I dedicated the two hours and got some small stuff done. I did not set the world on fire, did not get it completed but I made progress, and that is the key.
Our lives are like that as well, many times we expect to see a completed project in a moment's time, only to find that it doesn't work like that. We need to work toward progress each and every day, and if we will do that we will find that we will eventually reach the goal that we have set for ourselves.
So a little step forward each day will lead you through to completion.

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