Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am truely amazed at what GOD can do even when you have no idea what you are doing.
I was facebooking the other day and saw one of the gals from our college ministry days was getting married. So I posted a congrats! and then saw one of the boys from our XA days had posted as well. Last I knew, he was off on the east coast somewhere. Well I sent a friend request and he responded and low and behold he is a PASTOR! Wow, he was supremely talented, and we knew had a call on his life but that he is a full time Pastor just blew me away. I can't begin to count all these "kids" that we had the opportunity to minister to who have grown up, and are followers of Christ, active in Ministry and serving GOD with all their hearts. Now before I get too big headed I know we had a very small part in it, GOD is the one who equips those he calls, but I think it is too cool that some of these "kids" are out working for GOD and we had a part in their lives.
Really makes you think about ministry and investing in the lives around you. GOD does indeed give you his sheep to shepherd, what you do with them while you have them can impact eternity!

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