Tuesday, March 17, 2009

dealing with disappointments...

You know I was thinking the other day that life would be so much better if we were never disappointed. If everything went exactly how we wanted wouldn't the world be a better place?
I mean what if everything we ever tried to do came off without a hitch? Learn to play the guitar, be a computer genius, make a bundle of dough on Wall Street, make some great dough and be a great chef, start a new business, whatever we decided to do, instantaneously we become really good at it. Wouldn't that be great?
Well I have come to realize that it would not be so good. For you see we would not have to work for anything, it would all just happen naturally. We would not have to practice, it would just automatically happen without hours and hours of hard work. What good would it be then to be able to play the guitar? You could not impress your friends because they too could play like you in two easy lessons. You could not impress anyone with your computer skills, because everyone could be a computer genius.
The differences in people are what makes us unique and our disappointments shape our differences. There are things that I get disappointed in all the time that do not work like I would like them to, but through those disappointments I am shaped and molded into the man I am today. Sometimes those disappointments lead to more effort on my part to get better. Sometimes those disappointments show me that what I am trying to do is really not in my "giftings" and I should look at other avenues. And sometimes disappointments are just that, disappointments which we should get over and move on.
So bring on the disappointments, not just all in one day...

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