Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chuck Norrisisms...

I am amazed at the things that I find funny that other people do not find funny at all. I was telling my wife yesterday these great ChucK (you have to spell his name with a capital K for KICK!!) Norrisisms that I thought were hillarious. My wife, well she looked at me like I was one of those special needs kids that ride the short bus...
I mean, "ChucK Norris doesn't fall in water and get wet, the water gets ChucK Norrised"
"the boogieman gets up in the middle of the night and checks his closet for ChucK Norris"
"Waldo is hiding because of ChucK Norris"
And my favorite.
"If you can see ChucK Norris, he can see you. If you can't see ChucK Norris, you may be just moments from Death!!"

So what is it that keeps a person's sense of humor from developing? Did they get to much Humorglanized milk growing up. Did they grow up around large eclectic plants? Did they not get enough kugs and hisses growing up?
I still think my wife's funny bone was broken when she was younger and it never got reset...
ChucK Norris probably roundhoused kicked her!

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