Thursday, February 5, 2009

Shoe Shine...

I got my shoes shined today at the airport. I have always walked past these places and saw the smug men and women sitting up high in the air while they have their shoes spiffed. Well today I had a little time and walked right past. The lady said it would be $6, now that is kind of high for a tight wad like me but I decided to live a little. So I climbed up on that perch and the shoe shine lady shined my shoes. I tried to look smug, and look down my nose at all of the people who walked by. I tried to look important, wave a little as the people walked by and wondered what I did for a living to be able to have my shoes shined by a professional. Well I was disappointed, she finished and other than the new luster on my shoes, nothing changed, it was still the same old me. People did not ask my autograph, stare at me as I passed by, or anything. Nobody noticed, what a waste of $6. But at least my shoes look nice.

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