Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Fever...

Man do I have Olympics Fever... we have been watching every night, Michael Phelps and his quest for 8 Gold medals, Shawn and Nastia battling it out in the gym, basketball with the Redeem team, it has all been great.

But can I tell you the greatest part of the Olympics? Nope it is not Michael Phelps even though he is greatest Olympic athlete of all time. Shawn and Nastia, nope, even though their duel has been fun to watch. Kobe, LeBron and the rest of the Redeem team romping over all comers? Nope not even that.

The best thing about the Olympics is the opening ceremonies when the athletes walk in representing their country. Belarus, Ubezistan, and some of those other countries you've never heard of, with their sometimes three or even sometimes less athletes. Countries like Bhutan, a neighbor of China which entered two athletes, one male and one female in Archery. They marched in under their flag and waved to the crowd just as Lebron and Kobe and the others did that were there seeking a medal, only knowing that they will probably never see one.

I started thinking that those people are the best athletes in their county and they are honored at representing their country even though they will probably not bring home a medal. I can imagine what their countrymen are thinking today, will they win, how they will do and I can't believe that wether they win or loose, they will be proud of them anyway.

As American's we have been brainwashed with a win at all cost mentality. Stuff like "second place is the first loser", and "just win baby!" have made us a country that will only settle for the Gold and will look down on the loser. That is a sad way to look at life, losing is a part of life, we don't always win and it is in how we compete and perform where the real medals lie...

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