Monday, August 25, 2008

And the Prophet of GOD said what???

We always get this high and mighty attitude about preachers. They need to be perfect, straightlaced, uptight and without a sense of humor. I so don't fit that mold. I love to cut up, think I am witty, ride a motorcycle so I don't think I am too straightlaced. So I always wondered what GOD was doing with me. I was not made in the Preacher Mold...So I was doing some reseach on a sermon. Elijah on Mount Carmel with the sacrifice against the prophets of Baal. So I know this story; and the part where Elijah starts shouting to the Baal prophets because their god had not answered with fire was always straight forward. I could see Elijah saying, "shout louder, sing longer, jump higher... but there was one part where he asked where their god was, he said something like, "maybe he is in meditation or deep thought". So I go to studying that and Elijah was refering to their god may have been indisposed in the potty. I laughed out loud! Can you imagine the gall, the look of shock on the prophets faces as Elijah tells them their god is on the pot and can't anwer?I then decided that maybe I can be used of GOD after all. I mean that was flat out rude for Elijah to say that; (funny but rude). I would have never said something like that, so maybe there is hope for me too!!

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