Monday, August 17, 2009


My son was playing with his cousin whose Father happened to be in law enforcement for a time. They apparently found Dad's handcuffs and decided to do a little play acting. Well my son was apparently the "robber" in this game and his cousin slapped the cuffs on him. Well they found out that Dad did not know where the keys were. They had to go to the police station to get un-cuffed.

Now this picture has been altered to stay with a "G" rating as they were playing shirts off, and not to impress anyone with my son's physque I added a computer generated T shirt. But the look on his face is what kills me.

That is a look of hopelessness as he realizes that he is handcuffed and there is no getting out.
Many people live their life this way, handcuffed by the things of life they walk around with this look on their face as if there is no hope!
Don't be handcuffed by life, look in the mirror, take off those shackles that bound you up and be free!!

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