Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Forward Thinking...

How much forward thinking do you do? If you are like most, we think more of what we have done or what we need to do in the next small segment of time that we never get around to thinking long term.
You see we can get so caught up in the moment, we loose sight of the future. Or we get so focused on the past that we can't catch a vision for the future.
I was asked in a job interview once, "where do you see yourself in five years?". It was a good question and as a hungry job seeking individual, I answered, "as a valuable asset to this company". I got the job but ended up staying 20 years.
When we think, where do we want to be in 5 years, 10 years or more, do we really chart a course to get there or do we just pipe dream it and kill the vision just after it has been birthed?
So start dreaming of tomorrow and the next day and chart a course to get you to that place in life. Be forward thinking!!

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