Monday, April 13, 2009

Chicken, its not just for dinner...

Have you ever met someone who is just plain "chicken". I find myself sometimes feeling like a chicken in some senses because I want to avoid conflict. Does lack of courage lead oneself to becoming a "chicken"? Does avoiding conflict make you "chicken" or wise?
I have thought about this and have decided that avoiding conflict because you are scared makes you a "chicken". But to avoid conflict to keep someone from getting hurt does not make you a "chicken" but makes you a good friend.
See there is a line that has to be crossed in each situation, just as you would not let a toddler "toddle" onto a highway, you should also keep your friends from getting hurt. But when you allow your friends to get hurt because you would not speak up, you are a "chicken".
A good friend is not just one who will tell you the truth, but will also tell you the truth when they know that it is not what you want to hear.
So don't be a "chicken", be a good friend.

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