Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Do you ever feel outdated?
I am shopping for computers, my associate needs a new one as he is working on the Frankenstein right now that I pieced together out of old deceased carcasses. My daughter is also shopping for a laptop for college so I have been doing my research. And to my dismay, I am finding that doing research on computers is a huge waste of time, because by the time that unit gets to me it will already be outdated. They are improving computers at warp speed it seems.
I was told one time that you should measure computers in ten year cycles. That means if your computer is 2 years old, it is in real life almost 20 years old. Some of our computers would be centurians as I keep them around a long time...
So my thought for today is this, how long has it been since you upgraded yourself? What do I mean. Well you can take a computer, put new RAM in it and it runs better. Put in a new hardrive and it will contain much more. Put in a new processor and it runs faster. So what have you done to upgrade your life?
What I have found is if you do not maintain your computer it will slowly fill with junk and not be as effective as it once was. It will also start to break down without maintanance and routine upgrades. But just as we should be looking to upgrade our computers, we fail to look to upgrade our lives.
How do you upgrade? Well you pick something that you would like to add and you do it. It might be dropping ten pounds, it might be running a marathon, or a triathlon. It might be playing catch wtih the kids, or going swimming or buying some new clothes from this decade.
It might be taking a cooking class, or some other kind of education that you can apply to your life. Whatever it might be, spend some time looking to upgrade your life, you might be amazed at the results...


Janet Perkins said...

Some things get better with age: wine, cheese, and most definitely people. As people age, they become kinder making those grey hairs seem like a crown, not a curse.

Pat Hankins said...

I resemble that remark!!
And I agree with you!!