Friday, July 10, 2009

I am so thankful for the little things that I have in life. I did a lot of driving this week through a couple of states and saw that people live in all sorts of climates and conditions and it got me to thinking that I have it so good.
I may not live in a mansion, but I do have a house that keeps the critters out and the rain off my head. The AC might not keep it 68 but it does keep it below 80. The water might not have great pressure but it is not rusty, does not stink, and is hot most of the time. The carpet is not new, but it is better than dirt and my bed might not be the best but at least it is a bed and not just a blanket in the corner.
I may not have a brand new car, but I at least have one that runs, gets me to where I want to go and does not cost me a fortune.
I have a family that loves me, a wife that thinks I am still great after all these years and a GOD who is always faithful.
Life is indeed good!

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