Monday, April 12, 2010

To Tie or not to Tie, that is the question.

One of the guys in my church posted a facebook question as to what a "Pastor" should wear to church. It generated a lot of different replies and I found that the scope was very wide on what people "think" that the Pastor should portray.
I have found myself in the business world seeing the same thing. When I first started, sans late 80's every function you went to from a business meeting to a convention to a lunch date was suit and tie. I have pictures at my desk with me in a "pink" shirt and tie, had to be the 80's!
Somewhere in the middle 90's the shirt and tie were replaced with the "Polo" colored shirt. I loved it when that happened. No more stragulation, no more getting hot under the color, you could even golf without changing clothes. I really think that was the reason it happened, easier to go from the desktop to the green in no seconds flat.
Then somewhere around 2000 the tie made a comeback, it got really fat and the wide windsor knots were back in but men realized quickly how confining they were and we saw the Polo make a resurgence again.
So what should the Pastor wear at the church?
Well there are times I wear a suit and tie, there are times I wear a polo and slacks, and there are times I wear blue jeans and a T shirt. So which one is right?
I will never forget my first Pastor, the man was born wearing a suit I figured. I always saw him in a suit, on Sunday, during the week even on Wednesday he wore a suit although he would take the jacket off most times. Then we had a church work day and Pastor showed up in a one piece mechanics set of coveralls. They were bright baby blue colored and I just knew he had a suit on under there. But I could not get over the coveralls. They were the ugliest things I had ever seen. Functional but ugly.
So I made a decision that day, I would be functional but never wear something that ugly. So I alter my attire to suit the needs (that was a pun, get it, suit the neeeds!!) So sometimes I wear a tie, sometimes I option the tie and wear a jacket, other times I wear a polo and slacks and still other times I wear a "fashionable" T shirt and jeans.
GOD is not concerned about our outsides, but the condition of our insides. He is not concerned with how we clothe ourselves but that we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ.
So with all of that said, I get ordained the end of the month, I am going to be in front of a whole delegation of people. Some will think I need a suit and tie, other a Polo and slacks and still others will want me in a fashionable T shirt and jeans. So who do I want to look cool for? I think I will go with the Don Johnson look, blue jeans, fashionable shirt, tie that has been loosened and the sleeve rolled up on the jacket, that should make everyone happy, except my wife, she will think I look like an idiot...

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